Never Forget Web Content

If you are always creating web content, sharing your splashpages and your primary site becomes a whole lot easier. When people see you know what you're talking about, at the very least, they invest their time in you. When they have someone to follow, who will help them step by step, without all the stops, they will always consider you a valuable contact and regularly make purchases from you. You want to present your format, so as to allow people to follow you at their own pace, but know they won't lose you; as long as they follow your blog. And if you're not trying to trick them into buying at every turn, you can accumulate a massive list and truly start to priovide consistent value to your client base.

I never want a contact to follow me into something that is going to take their time and money and leave them without any more knowledge than they had when they started out at it. I can't stand that and its why for many years I would suddenly stop short of wanting to grow a list; because everyone I joined truly seemed to be doing it for themselves, not their contacts. I would discover this when I got unreasonably stuck and started to think about how my prospects would feel if I led them into some stupid pitfall like this one I seemed to be standing in then and often times, when trying to set up "funnels". 

Well, here's the pitfall; finding the "Greatest Product On Earth" being fully satisfied with every detail, but not taking the time to prove it to yourself, that it's worth REALLY getting out there, showing it to your contact list and creating more and more web content about your product or service. I wouldn't say go in blindly, but when it seems unclear, you gotta buckle down and get singularly focused, so as not to lose what you DO have in place. Prove traffic results, tracking how much traffic is coming from where; then you're on your way to what I call the burn. Ya really gotta push it and trust what you DO have in place! Because you won't be able to see where you're going; ya gotta keep the formless vision of traffic!

I feel it's more important you see me doing something, knowing exactly how I do it, by watching, or just bumping into my page. Like my Blogger set up, growing my list while showing paid to click ads, while spinning banners to hoplinks and WarriorForumPlus! If you feel like you can't settle with one specific company or another, it's because you want to be independent as a marketer; there's nothing wrong with that, but when you step out on a limb, you gotta be prepared to leap for your leads! This is why generating traffic multiple ways is critical. It can create a viral explosion; you are literally setting the pace for everyone else around what's trending. You literally create interest out of thin air, why?

You're targeting exactly whose looking for what you have. (I don't show my keywords) You're bringing him to the very entry point of your network and nowhere else. Invariably he will sign up for something, so when he's at your capture page you don't want to give him alot of options, but on the same token think, you might show him to your page, before he signs up to your mailing list, then catch him with a pop-up while he's getting away; then he joins your LIST for a free code to make a free sales funnel. Guys, this stuff is the stuff. Russel Brunson is at the top of a lot of these trendy linked sales page types; and we SEE the success of his organization, using the very tools we do. It's about daily consistency in content creation; and getting natural traffic to coalesce with your free generated traffic sources.


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