Auto Blogging Profits
There are so many script pit falls on the web, presenting opportunities, which depending on the script owner, may or may not be fly by night. There's never really any way to know for sure who to trust. This is why YOU need to build your OWN LIST and be part of a network, where people know this rule. THEY can help you help yourself. Take one other peice of advise. If you have bought dozens of 'how to grow your list sytems' and are still trying to grow your list without success, then go and study at least one of those pdf's to the full, so that you understand the exact steps to setting up a mailing list.
After that is where so many people take off and never find their way, getting completely lost in the weeds. WHY? Because they keep expanding their network too big and are unable to promote it all to their satisfaction. They have to cover these bases, or draw the line and start growing it from the ground up. It is like a ficus tree, thriving in your living room. You must water it daily, monitor its growth and regulate the entire ecosphere around it. Yes, a website is like a plant. It needs you to nurture it, (feed it, talk to it, enjoy it) so it can be healthy and useful to any who frequent it's pages. In fact I'd go as far as to say the website is alive, depending on whether or not YOU brreathe life into it.
The point I'm getting at is this; avoid work that is work to avoid work and you will only do work. You won't spin your wheels, you won't waste your time or anyone else's. Take the time to daily create content, such as makes the world wide web more enlightening to the people who interact with it; it will only bring you positive results. But you must first use it properly. I spent so many years being enamored by the thousands of different business opportunities; comparing to see which ones could be lasting opportunities and which ones couldn't, that I could never commit to any of them. See them for their face value, promote them and profit from them as quickly as possible, to avoid product saturation.
It's a fast paced business and I spend everyday learning that in new and sometimes disappointing ways. I'd get my eye on a product you can truly believe in, go to and get to telling the world about it. Then you'll add other tools, which have helped you to earn online. You'll promote them as an affiliate and earn a continuing residual income on the world wide web, by continuing to enlighten others and share tools, that they can depend on to help them increase their prospect list.